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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/31/21 The organization of the Lord's Church Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon The Lords Church Sunday 20211031_Lords_Church_02.mp3
10/17/21 The Lord's Church Described Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon The Lords Church Sunday 20211017_Lords_Church_01.mp3
09/26/21 Evangelism: TELL others about Jesus Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon Evengelism Sunday 20210926_Evan_Lesson_03.mp3
09/19/21 The Goodness of God Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20210919_The_Goodness_of_God.mp3
09/12/21 Evangelism Methods Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon Evengelism Sunday 20210912_Evan_Lesson_02.mp3
09/05/21 Brothers Keeper Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20210905_Brothers_Keeper.mp3
08/29/21 Evangelism Motivations Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon Evengelism Sunday 20210829_Evan_Lesson_01.mp3
08/15/21 The Fruit of the Holy Spirit Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon The Holy Spirit Sunday 20210815_HS_Lesson_04.mp3
08/01/21 How the Holy Spirit does operate Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon The Holy Spirit Sunday 20210801_HS_Lesson_03.mp3
07/25/21 How the Holy Spirit does NOT operate Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon The Holy Spirit Sunday 20210725_HS_Lesson_02.mp3
07/18/21 Adoption Brian Dillman Sermon N/A Sunday 20210718_Brian_Adoption.mp3
07/18/21 True Discipleship Brian Dillman Sermon N/A Sunday 20210718_Brian_True_Discipleship.mp3
06/26/21 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon The Holy Spirit Sunday 20210627_HS_lesson_01.mp3
06/13/21 Cities of refuge, a type of the church Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon Types & Shadows Sunday 20210613_Cities_of_Refuge.mp3
06/06/21 Tabernacle, a type of the church Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon Types & Shadows Sunday 20210606_The_Tabernacle.mp3
05/30/21 Passover Lamb, a type of Christ Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon Types & Shadows Sunday 20210530_Passover_Lamb.mp3
05/23/21 Joseph, a type of Christ Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon Types & Shadows Sunday 20210523_Joseph.mp3
05/16/21 Melchizedek, a type of Christ Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon Types & Shadows Sunday 20210516-Melchizedek.mp3
05/09/21 Noah, a type of Christ Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon Types & Shadows Sunday 20210509_Noah.mp3
05/02/21 Adam, a type of Christ Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon Types & Shadows Sunday 20210502_Adam.mp3
04/25/21 Anxiety, Depression, & Suicidal Ideations Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20210425_Anxiety_Depression_Suicidal_Ideation.mp3
04/18/21 Danger of Anger Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20210418_Anger.mp3
04/11/21 Hell Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20210411_Hell.mp3
04/04/21 Life After Death Anthony M. Prosceno Jr. Sermon N/A Sunday 20210404_Life_After_Death.mp3
11/19/16 The Promises Joel Valley Sermon N/A Sunday Joel_Valley_-_The_Promises.mp3

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